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Lincolnshire Garden Supplies

Autumn Planting

Onion Sets

Sets v Seed

Sets are very easy to grow from baby onions / shallots (called sets). Although seed is available, sets are by far the easiest and quickest way to grow onions. Sets are also are better in our colder regions, as they are less likely to be attacked by some pests and diseases.
(The easiest and quickest way to grow Onions)

Yellow Winter remains a long standing favorite, it is chosen because of its reliable cropping, bolt resistance and winter hardiness. This Japanese heritage produces a mild flavored onion bulb, which is delicious eaten fresh or stored through to autumn. These short, wide bulbs produce a rich straw coloured skin with a crisp white flesh

Onion Sets
Plant Autumn On wards
An overwintering variety producing shiny red skinned, semi g lobe shaped bulbs and has a really nice flavor and it keeps very well.The flesh is very crisp and sweet, and is great for use in casseroles, salads and fried too.

Red Blood Onion Sets

Produces very good quality, red semi-globe-shaped onions which has an excellent flavor. They are ideal for over wintering, plant in the autumn-early winter for harvest May-June. Lovely, red-skinned onions with a gorgeous red-ringed flesh. Maturing in early summer, they are perfect in salads and stir-fries and survive the winter well.

Onion Sets
Onion Shakespeare sets are a British bred, autumn planting brown skinned variety that produces high yields of good sized bulbs with excellent skin formation that means it shows good storage potential well into the winter months.

Senshyu was one of the first overwintering varieties to be tried and tested. Which is why it remains a growers favorite for surviving the winter well. These Sets are Hardy to around minus 18°C (0°F), this reliable main crop produced heavy yields of semi-globe shaped bulbs with straw coloured skins and crisp white flesh. They grow to a height of around 45 cm (18 in) and have a spread of 15cm (6 in), it matures June to July from an August sowing. Giving onions of usable size before spring sown main crops varieties are ready.

A very popular variety Early harvesting. Dark yellow skin, stores well, fairly mild flavor. This increasingly popular variety matures from late July and stores well until the end of the year.Good for pickling as well as cooking. Autumn planting for early harvest

Planting Guide.

First mark out the row with a bamboo cane or string to keep the row in a straight line. Then every 10cm / 4in make a small hole in the soil with your finger and place and onion set into it keeping just the tip of the bulb showing. Watering Guidelines. Keep the soil moist until the sets take hold. In well-drained soil, onions need a thorough soaking of one inch of rain or water per week to grow best. Watering when onions are bulbing can keep some soils from hardening around the bulbs, allowing for bulb expansion. In general, onions prefer full sun, ample soil moisture, and fertile, well-drained garden soil. They will survive if planted in partial shade, but the onions will be smaller and the plant will be more susceptible to pests and disease. Onions are unable to grow in full shade.

Interesting Facts

Overwintered onions are in the ground a lot longer than their summer counterparts - roughly 300 days. Because of this, they have more time to develop a vigorous root system, which means they grow more strongly on heavy soils. In addition, overwintering types do most of their growing during spring, when soil moisture is plentiful. They mature and dry down in early summer when the days are at their longest. All these factors add up getting larger onions with less effort. Since these onions are ready to harvest between June and early July, the normally (hopefully) dry weather we receive aids to good curing. The newer varieties of overwintering onions will easily keep well into autumn if cured properly. So, it is possible to have onions available year-round without too much effort.

Lincolnshire Garden Supplies

Autumn Planting

Shallot Sets

Sets are very easy to grow from baby onions / shallots (called sets). Although seed is available, sets are by far the easiest and quickest way to grow onions. Sets are also are better in our colder regions, as they are less likely to be attacked by some pests and diseases.
(The easiest and quickest way to grow Onions)

Plant Autumn On wards

Golden Gourmet is a hardy variety has been bred in Britain to withstand the British climate,
A very well known and popular variety mainly because it will produce a good crop of disease resistant, golden-skinned shallots, which have a good uniformity and taste great,. They can be grown on most types of soil, especially good because they are resistant to bolt and also the bulbs will store well, they can be added to a wide range of dishes for several months after harvest.quickly making it now an all round favorite among gardeners and allotment holders)

Plant Autumn On wards

This hardy variety has been bred in Britain to withstand the British climate, RED SUN Often regarded as one of the best red-skinned varieties , they produce bumper yields of crisp, white fleshed bulbs and have a really good flavor. They are perfect for cooking, pickling, or just eating raw in salads or for pickling. They do store quite well too.

Plant Autumn On wards

. This hardy variety has been bred in Britain to withstand the British climate,
These golden-skinned shallots, have good uniformity and taste really good too. They are happy to be grown on most types of soil, they have a good resistant to bolt and also the bulbs store well, they can be added to a wide range of dishes for several months after harvest.quickly making it now an all round favourite amongst gardeners and allotment holders)

Red Winter
Onion Sets
Plant Autumn On wards
Red Winter is an over-wintering onion type. It has a red tinged skin and has really superb flavor and it keeps very well.The flesh is very crisp and sweet, and is ideal for use in casseroles, salads and fried.